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Wine in a Can: Would You Try It?

Wine in a CanI am not exactly a wine snob, but the thought of drinking wine in a can was very strange to me. On the one hand, I find it appealing because I am not a beer drinker and beer cans are so convenient for picnics and parties. On the other hand, what would wine taste like coming out of a can? It already feel a little weird (although convenient) drinking wine out of single serving bottles. Wine is meant for wine glasses, right?

I happened upon cans of Beanblossom Hard Cider at my grocery store today in the wine section. It's only because of my history with Oliver Winery that I even realized that the cans were wine and considered buying a few (more on my affection for Oliver  below).  Each can is 250ml and was on sale for $2. They had various flavors, but I purchased the Peach Hard Cider and Raspberry Hard Cider.

I don't know if technically Beanblossom Hard Cider is a wine, but I can say that I enjoy it and I do not like beer. The Oliver Winery video below does call it “wine” and they list it on their site with wines. It's refreshing tasting and would be perfect by the pool or somewhere that you wanted to have wine but not have to mess with glass bottles or glasses. Or if you are like me–in a place where everyone else is drinking beer from cans and you feel out of place holding a wine glass.

If I had to compare it to any of the other wines I have received via the mail, I would have to say that it fits most with the Cellars Wine Sweet Wine Club. If you like a sweeter Riesling (sorry, Todd) or slightly fruity wine, you would like it.

Below is a video talking about the Beanblossom Hard Cider from Oliver Winery and below that is my “personal” connection if you want to hear more.

My relationship with Oliver Winery started when I was just a kid and they had huge hot air balloon festivals near my house in Southern Indiana. When the balloons would fly over our house, we would get all excited and take pictures. Here's one I have from 1987:

I had no idea what “Camelot Mead” was but would find out almost 10 years later when I went to law school in Bloomington, Indiana. It turns out that Camelot Mead was one of the earliest and most popular wines produced by the Olivery Winery, located in Bloomington. Furthermore, the winery was started by a professor from my law school before I was even born. Professor Oliver was instrumental in much of the wine legislation that is still in place in Indiana today.

Ever since my time in Bloomington and my realization about that hot air balloon from 25 years ago, I have kept an eye on what Oliver Winery does and am excited to see them staying inventive with the Beanblossom Hard Cider, my first wine in can.


Tricia Meyer is a lawyer and affiliate marketer. She spends most of her time visiting Disney, cheering on the Steelers, and drinking wine. Luckily her husband and two adult daughters tolerate doing all of those with her!

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