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Coffee and Wine – How They Go Together

Today is National Coffee Day which got us thinking: how does your choice in coffee affect your choice in wine? These beverages may seem unrelated, but they're not! Club W Wine Club Review even asks:

Coffee BeansHow do you like your coffee?

So what does your preference in coffee tell us about your preference in wine?

Coffee and Wine

If you like your coffee…

  • Strong & black – reach for a Cabernet Franc or other old world wines with high spices.
  • Mild but nothing in it – look for smooth, well-aged, low acidity wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay or a Malbec
  • With cream and/or sugar – grab a sweet wine such as a Moscato, Riesling or Rose. Cream or milk in your coffee means you probably don't like that tannin taste.
  • Frappuccino'ed – Chianti's from Tuscany will give you high tannins that match your taste.

Personally, I used to drink my coffee with cream & sugar (and I started drinking sweet wines at the time). Then I dropped the sugar, and now I french press my coffee. If I get coffee at a coffee shop, I typically go with a mild (or morning) blend. To go with my taste in coffee, my favorite wine (today) is a Malbec, so this theory works out for me.

What about you? How do you drink your coffee, and what type of wine do you prefer?

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