We review wine clubs.
We independently research every club that we review. Although we may receive free samples or commissions on some sales, our opinions are always our own.
User Posts: Todd
Back to school makes me want to drink wine.  Clearly, I’m not alone!

Back when I was a kid, I dreaded seeing the “back to school” signs in stores and malls. Such signage clearly marks the “beginning of the end” and I would find ...

A Wine Club That Compares to (and kinda beats) My Favorite Local Wine Club

One of the things I love about making this website, is that I get to learn a lot about wine. Moreover, I get the privilege of getting to know some really smart ...

Finding Wine Treasures at Rummage Sales

Hi, I'm Todd.  And I'm a rummage sale junky. There.  I said it.  I feel better. And I know I'm not alone.  Many people love the ...

It’s Father’s Day Wine Time! (Here are some special deals for Dad)

Who's got two thumbs, two kids and loves wine?  This guy! ..and I bet you know a father or two who loves wine, too.  If so, you're in luck, because ...

I’m making my own wine now

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to get into home brewing. I started researching home brewing beer back in my college years, when I preferred beer. ...

Wine and Chocolate – A Gift My Mom Would Love.

Update December 2022:  It's holiday time, and we know many of you are staying safe, staying home -- and sending wine!  (We have links to great deals below) ...

New Law in Michigan – We Can Bring Wine Into Restaurants!

Wine laws are getting a make-over here in Michigan! Just a couple years ago, our legislators passed a law that allows us customers to re-cork unfinished ...

Forbes Wine Club Review (with Video)

Recently, I had the pleasure of reviewing a really unique and fun wine club, from a brand we all know well, Forbes. Yep, Forbes has launched their own ...

10 Wines under $10 and Year-End Clearance at California Wine Club!  (No membership required)

This is time sensitive, as the offer ends tomorrow (12/31/13) at 5 PM.   So, if you want to stock up on some great wines, now is the time -- and this is ...

Buy a Wine Drinking Experience from IfOnly.com

This is really interesting. IfOnly is a marketplace for extraordinary experiences with the world's top talents. Members can learn how to make an ...

User Deals: Todd
Browsing All Comments By: Todd
  1. Okay, okay. I will *try* a Riesling. (Thanks for the spelling clarification in the post!)

    I didn’t know you tried the Chateau Ste. Michelle Riesling. They make a really good Cabernet and Merlot. 😉

  2. As a fan of Michigan State University, I found myself unable to cheer for U of M.

    However, Chardonnay???



    I can’t cheer for Chardonnay.

    …but, alas, Tricia – you say it best with the last line of your post: “It doesn’t matter what anyone else likes, it matters what YOU like.”


    Good times….

  3. Thanks for the comment, Dave. Your perspective is appreciated. (You *are* the expert!)

    I did enjoy one of my favorite bottles of Pinot Noir (ever) from a delivery in your wine club. I do love what you’re doing with your wine club!

    Thanks again.


  4. That happened to a friend of mine too. I don’t know how they “determine” you’re already a customer, without matching your email address or full address or something. And since there shouldn’t be a match, I am stumped.

    There should be a phone number on their site to call. After the holiday weekend, I can call them for you if you’d like.

    It’s a good club to get!

  5. Hi Charles –

    The customer service phone number for first leaf wine club is 1-800-461-7203 (available Monday- Friday, 9AM- 8PM EST).

    Have a great day!

  6. Hey Karen – the only suggestion we have at this time is to simply contact the restaurant you’re considering, and ask them directly. Enjoy your shiraz! (BTW – what is your favorite Shiraz? I’m making my own right now!)

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