Do you want to ship wine to Illinois? Looking for a wine club that ships to Illinois? We found some great wine clubs that ship to Illinois and have listed them below.
You are in luck if you want to send a wine club gift to Illinois or if you live in Illinois and want to order a club for yourself. The wine shipping laws for the state are fairly lax compared to other states. Although wineries do have to get direct-to-consumer shipper's permits and acquire bonds for tax purposes, that is a fairly simple process that many wine clubs will comply with to be able to ship to Chicago in particular. Because of this, we were able to find quite a few wine clubs that will ship to Illinois. You'll find them below along with our ratings. Read our full reviews or visit the wine club sites for more information. These are our favorite Wine Clubs That Ship To Illinois!
We reviewed this club many times over, and have enjoyed every delivery. In this review post, we'll share our unboxing videos, photos of the shipments we've received as well as our thoughts on sending this as a gift - and tons more. If you're looking for a great wine club at a great price, this could be your answer.
The only caveat to the shipping laws in Illinois is that wineries cannot ship more than 12 cases to an individual per year. If you are looking at a wine club, even the case clubs generally only ship once a quarter and the monthly clubs are usually only 2-3 bottles.
Want some Illinois wine industry info? Here ya go! Although traditionally Illinois has not been a wine with a lot of wineries, over 100 new wineries have been established in the last 20 years. Illinois now ranks in the top 12 for wine-producing states. The state is divided into 4 wine regions: Northern, Central, South Central, and Southern. Shawnee Hills in Southern Illinois was names the state's first American Viticultural Area with the Upper Mississippi Valley named second. The most commonly grown grapes are: Chambourcin, Seyval, Vignoles, Chardonel, Vidal Blanc, and Norton. Wine in Illinois is also made from fruit such as blackberries, raspberries, peaches, and apples.
Illinois currently has four wine trails: Shawnee Hills Wine Trail, Northern Illinois Wine Trail, Illinois River Wine Trail, and Heartland Rivers Wine Trail. Some of the notable wineries in the state include:
Vintage Illinois is the state's largest wine tasting festival, held in September over 2 days. Throughout the year there are many other state-wide events as well as events held at the local wineries and vineyards.