We review wine clubs.
We independently research every club that we review. Although we may receive free samples or commissions on some sales, our opinions are always our own.

What’s Shipping from the International Wine of the Month Club in October?

Last month was the first month that we ever published the list of wines shipping from the International Wine of the Month Club shipment, and the post was super popular! So we are publishing it again for October.

As a part of our partnership with many of the wine club that we review, we are often sent additional information about club offerings. Each month we received a terrific shipping matrix from the International Wine of the Month Club that lists all of their clubs and shows the overlap and differerences between their offerings for September. (Read our full International Wine of the Month Club Review)

Here is the full list of the different wines offered:

  • Casa Silva Los Lingues Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
  • La Berrière Muscadet Côtes de Grandlieu Sur Lie AOC 2023
  • Château du Trignon Côtes-du-Rhône 2022
  • Château du Trignon Viognier Côtes-du-Rhône Blanc 2023
  • Viberti Langhe Nebbiolo 2022
  • Arzuaga Fan D.Oro Castilla y León Chardonnay 2022
  • Casa Silva Microterroir de Los Lingues Carménère 2021

Each of their 4 clubs (The Premier Series, The Master Series, The Collectors Series, and The Bold Reds) will feature some combination of these clubs.

Note that the only club that offers two bottles of white is The Premier Series. All of the clubs offer two bottles of red. The Premier Series, The Masters Series, and the Collectors Series offer one red and one white (my personal favorite).

The list offers some common varietals (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay), some less common but still well-known varietals (Viognier, Nebbiolo), some truly unique varietals (Melon de Bourgogne, Carmenère), and a blend.

If any of these wines sounds interesting to you, be sure to check out Monthly Clubs! They are one of the rare clubs that is both good for joining personally and also for gift giving.


Tricia Meyer is a lawyer and affiliate marketer. She spends most of her time visiting Disney, cheering on the Steelers, and drinking wine. Luckily her husband and two adult daughters tolerate doing all of those with her!

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