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Wine Gifts for NFL Fans

NFL Wine GiftsI'm not sure that there could be two things better combined for a gift for me than NFL and wine. Most people automatically think of beer when they think of football, but that notion is becoming outdated. As more and more women are into football (or at least men are now realizing that we have been into it for a long time) and as wine increases in popularity, you shouldn't be surprised to find your favorite team logos popping up on wine accessories.

Fans With Pride was kind enough to send me a couple of their top selling NFL wine gifts. As a Pittsburgh Steelers fan living in Indianapolis Colts Country, I asked if they could send me something for both. What I received was the Steelers Helmet Stopper and the Colts Decorative Shoe Bottle Holder. Both featured the official team logos prominently.

Indianapolis Colts Wine ShoeThe Colts Wine Bottle Holder in particular was fabulous (even to a non-Colts fan). The shoe is done in the team colors of blue and white with the logo on the front of the shoe and the team name on the insole. In addition, it is studded with rhinestones. It would be great just for display in fan's house and even more perfect sitting on the buffet table holding a bottle of red wine on game day. (Or white wine if you are like most of my friends). It lists at $35.99 but is available for only $28.79 right now (more on that later).

Pittsburgh Steelers Wine StopperThe Pittsburgh Steelers Helmet Stopper is pretty much your typical wine bottle stopper. I've seen a lot of different Steelers helmets in my life, and I have to say that this one definitely does the team justice. The logo only appears on one side (just like our real helmets) and the yellow, red, and blue hypocycloids are perfect (did you know that's what those little stars are called?). As a $20 or less gift, it would be great for any fan.

Fans with Pride has some other really cute NFL gifts, but these two in particular would be perfect for wine fans. As with all NFL licensed products, the most popular teams do sell out quickly, so be sure to check back periodically if they do not have your team in stock. However, now is the perfect time to buy because all of the wine stoppers and decorative shoe bottle holders are 20% off. Even after that, you will be able to get free shipping on orders of $40 or more. That means ordering one as a gift and one for yourself.

And now I have to figure out what to do with this Colts wine bottle holder to get it out of my house and away from my Steelers gear!


Tricia Meyer is a lawyer and affiliate marketer. She spends most of her time visiting Disney, cheering on the Steelers, and drinking wine. Luckily her husband and two adult daughters tolerate doing all of those with her!

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