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Baldwin Estate 2010 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon

[custom_frame_center]Baldwin Estate 2010 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon[/custom_frame_center]

Josh and I opened a bottle of Baldwin Estate's 2010 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon, which was part of Cellars Wine Club Case Club in December.

[pullquote style=”left”](Shiraz) tend to be too big in fruit and alcohol, which makes them poor accompaniments with food[/pullquote]Our shipment of the Case Club came with 2 bottles of 6 different wines, and one was opened a few weeks ago. I had just under 2 glasses before dinner (spaghetti & meatballs). While the wine was fabulous on it's own, it was mediocre with dinner. When my daughter brought me a sugar cookie for dessert, it completely killed the wine (and I had to have another meatball to get all of that sugar out of my mouth!)

[custom_frame_right shadow=”on”]Baldwin Estate Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Label[/custom_frame_right]This wine, measuring 13.5% alcohol content, is 75% Shiraz, 25% Cab-Sav and from the southeast portion of Australia. This region was red-hot in wine production 10 years ago, but lately there have been too many wineries putting out too much wine, thus flooding the market. With prices down, means cheaper prices for customers.

Expecting a big, full-bodied rich wine with a peppery-spice flavor, and that's just what we got. Josh describes the aroma containing pepper, raspberry, blackberry, a pleasant mustiness, and fruitcake. While I imagined going to the farmers market and picking out a pint of cherries, Josh didn't agree.

In the end, we both enjoyed this bottle (and like we predicted in the video, polished it off). If you were to find this bottle at your local liquor store, expect to pay $25 – $30 for it. However, the Case Club from Cellars Wine Club is just $89.90 for 12 assorted bottles, making it a great buy if you continue to receive gems like this one.

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